Friday, September 22, 2017

Revealing Oz

As a person who is committed to self-transformation, I continually "choose the red pill" when it comes to pulling the curtain aside on my own unconscious, to reveal the false power of the "Oz" that pushes the buttons and pulls the strings and levers of the monkey mind of reactions and negative feelings.

Recently, I uncovered yet another subconscious "entity" in the form of a "demand for retribution". This is a strong one because there are ao many justifications for this in the world--so many victimizers and so many victims, who in many cases seem completely innocent, unfairly attacked or debilitated, sometimes outrageously so, and in some cases killed.

For me, this has the effect of exacerbating or "keying in" this Demand for Retribution. It feels like a Quentin Tarantino revenge movie with as much blood and gore as possible. What is that saying? "Revenge is best served cold"?

The tragic problem with this fantasy, in my own case, is that the "wrongness" I feel that was perpetrated upon me, requires that the injury it caused continues to victimize me. So, the injury becomes this huge justification for achieving retribution against the oppressors and perpetrator in a future that never comes.

This is a classic case of "continual present time re-stimulation". Every time I feel the pain of that injury, it adds charge and power to the retribution program. Every time there's an injustice out in the world that I personally witness, or hear about on the "news" (victimization events are guaranteed to make the news), the need for revenge and accountability grows ever stronger, and pains and discomforts of my life further solidify as a constant reminder of that deep need for revenge against my victimizers, or at the very least some "street justice".

The great thing about "The Oz" is that its power is granted by the curtain behind which it hides as it creates and broadcasts its fearful images. Pull aside the curtain, and there is no more power. This becomes a metaphor for all injustice in the world: reveal the "operators" and "owners" behind their curtains of power, and that power is effectively stripped from them. Then we all can see they are just like us, living in their own worlds of fearful disempowerment and victimization.

To mop up residual charge from this revelation, every time I see or hear of some perpetrator victimizing someone or something, when those retribution feelings surface, I say, "Interesting point of view I have that point of view." This process neutralizes the negativity around the issue. Then, "Who does this belong to?" and "return to sender" because all negative thoughts are not mine--they had been adopted by me as if they were my own.

As always, the non-duality of compassion is the key here; compassion for both sides of a perpetrator-victim complex. Compassion removes the polarity of the drama, and reduces it to an observation of choices: Each "side" made their choices and it resulted in this drama. Both are deserving of love--even if they don't love each other or themselves.

The quantum matrix program we live in is driven by choice. Choose a different outcome, and the matrix program adjusts to accommodate that choice. Choose to retain a negativity or grudge or point of view, and the matrix program adjusts to accommodate that.

The quantum sea of energy has no agenda on its own, but it can be programmed to appear that it does. All of us who have had the perception of the "world being against us" will attest to that. The truth is we created that program of the world being against us. We can just as easily create a world that is in favor of us.

Monday, September 4, 2017

The Discomfort Zone

I was watching a dear friend and teacher recently speak on a Facebook Live broadcast about how change is not comfortable, and about how we are using that as an excuse not to change.

Well... my dear friend, I have to disagree on a couple of finer points:

1. The reason most people need and desire change is because their comfort zones are no longer comfortable.

2. When the change one is seeking begins to happen, we feel excitement--not discomfort.

She also spoke about how the process of changing steers one through all the barriers, reasons, sensations and blockages that are holding the particular condition or situation we wanted to change in place. It's true that all of this unraveling can temporarily feel like things are "falling apart", or "caving in", however, if the intention was to change, this unraveling is the evidence validating the intention to change, so why not celebrate it?

Yes, we can definitely lose track of all the changes we have desired, so that all this "falling apart" seems dangerous or distressing--and if we go into being the victim, we risk the nullification of our intention to change.

In fact, most desire to change revolves around finding a comfort zone, where life comes to us with ease and joy, and we are free to express ourselves creatively, experience the world as a loving place, and where future changes are joyful and generative.

I would hazard a guess that the meme, "Change is uncomfortable" is really just an arbitrary point of view that ignores the mechanics of how things work in this magical 3-D world we've constructed. The bottom line is that the higher more generative life we seek change for, is, in fact, the truer reflection of who we really are. And to make that change, we have simply to focus our intent on that version of ourselve already existing as a parallel reality.

I would also profer the view that what drives most change is discomfort or pain of some level, and that it is impossible to change from an alleged "comfort zone". If we are truly in this theoretical comfort zone, why would we want to change from that?

On the other hand, why experience discomfort at all in a "comfort zone"? How about just choosing something different--perhaps with more magic, excitement and incredibleness?

If instead, we are suffering or prolonging discomfort, how about changing the current situation or condition by tuning in to the higher version of yourself, and sending out the intention to become that? More joy, more ease, more fulfullment, more amazing-ness. Then, be willing to experience whatever the universe presents to us as experience in the unfoldment of that version of yourself wherever it may lead.

I would also venture to make the observation that behind all discomfort and pain is the desire for that higher version of your life, and that any pain or discomfort we are experiencing is us in the process of actualizing that higher life. It's the perception that life is victimizing us that prolongs the discomfort, pain and suffering, and potentially completely blocks any change.

So switch it up. Be the creator. Spot where the victim is, and simply say "bye bye". Then go to where the ease and joy is that will demonstrate to the Universe--your co-creative partner--that you are onboard with realizing the greatest life you can experience, and that you are willing to go beyond that. Continually broadcast that vibration of ease, love and joy, and tune in to that same broadcast emanating from the Ultimate You right next door. Enjoy the ride, and enjoy arriving at your new comfort zone!