This new blog project is intended to be a platform for reporting and then reflecting upon my life in the hopes it will assist others in their explorations of self.
I use the word "tracking" in the context of Toltec Shamanism, where the aspirant, or Nagual, "tracks" what it is he desires, where the journey created by the tracking through time reveals sub-conscious motivations that may be hindering spiritual (and mental, and physical) progress.
In this case, I'm tracking the Higher Self, or colloquially, The Soul, or the Cosmic Being of Self. It is the big ME that is having its being throughout physical incarnation, and multiverse existences.
Mostly, this 'big me" is a big mystery, hence the desire to track its motions and machinations. From down here "on the ground" of 3D physicality, MOST of what's going on in the cosmic field of identity is frustratingly unavailable to my current way of perceiving. So, I officially begin this tracking project, intending to make this a daily report, without doing what I normally do to "enter a headspace" for writing. So, we'll see what happens.
For the past month or so I've been attempting to overcome longstanding de-hydration, which I suspect has been going on for 20 years or so. As the aging process has inexorably ground on (I turned 67 in September), this de-hydration has created high levels of pain mostly in my arms and knees.
The RE-hydration process is trickier than just drinking more water, because the body has adapted to low water intake and will expel water that is more than that low level. It's as though it got used to being dry, and has set up several "systems" and strategies to protect itself from absorbing more than it has become accustomed to.
That said, during my sleep time, I've been waking up at 2-hour intervals to urinate. This is not the frequent urination of a swollen prostate--this is full-bladder peeing, so the kidneys are working overtime to expel all the "extra" water I've been drinking. I'm up to about 68 ounces of intake over a 24-hour period, with my target set at 95 oz. (the body weighs about 190 lbs, so the conventional wisdom is to drink half your body weight in ounces of water).
Anyway... I turned out the light to go to sleep around 2:30 AM, and woke up at 3:33 AM to go pee. As I came around to waking consciousness, I heard the word "Sekhmet" repeated over and over. In fact, I recalled dreaming the word that was like a mantra repeated under my dreaming.
At first, I thought, "Isn't Sekhmet an Egyptian form of Satan?" Which kind of alarmed me, as if maybe there was somebody, or some entity cursing me with a dark agenda. When I finished peeing, I looked up the word--Sekhmet is the Egyptian goddess of healing, depicted as a woman with a lioness head, toting a wand used to direct energy. "Set" is the Egyptian version of Satan, so I was way off on that one!
It's interesting that I had Sekhmet confused with Set, and it occurred to me that throughout my life I've been suspicious of all healers, so that a benevolent construct such as Sekhmet would take on a negative connotation. I spotted that this extreme suspicion arose from an incident where I suffered an operation to remove a needle from my knee that I had accidentally driven into the right knee between the kneecap and femur from crawling around on a rug where my mom had carelessly left a needle she was using to sew a credit badge on my Cub Scout uniform. Further exacerbating my fears of medical incompetence, when they wheeled me into the operating room, the doctor took a look at me and said, "You're not Suzie!" He laughed, "You almost had your tonsils taken out."
The 4-hour operation was not successful, but my parents decided NOT to tell me that it was. I didn't find out until some 20 years later that the needle was left in my knee. It never really caused any problems later in life, so I never went into any serious blame game around it.
Once I had identified the true identity of Sekhmet, I immediately received an intense download of energies. An image of Sekhmet (similar to this one), appeared in my mind's eye, and she was waving and directing a long wand that was shooting an energy wave out of it into my body. She was keeping her distance, as if any physical contact would be destructive. This went on for just a few moments, and then she stepped back, but remained in my space.
Shortly, I was back asleep for another two-hour cycle, except this time, I woke up at 6:13--almost three hours--different than the usual 2-hour window. When I woke up this time, it was from an interesting dream where the Queen of England was interviewing Barack Obama in the setting of a TV studio, and I was some sort of technician that was supposed to provide tea for both of them. I apparently took my job very seriously, I stumbled into the middle of their on-air conversation carrying a huge cup of tea which I placed on a coffee table over which they were talking. They stopped, politely acknowledging me, but I knew it was a gaff of some kind.
Last night, I had a dream about Bill Clinton--I can't remember what it was about, and then another where I was advising Hillary Clinton about something. I rarely have celebrity dreams, so three dreams in a row like this is weird. Not sure what it means.
Since the two-hour sleeping routine has been going on, I've let myself sleep as long as I seem to need, which has been about 9-10 hours for the last 7-8 months. Usually, the sleep is heavy with a lot of dreams, or I'll wake up feeling like I had just laid down--not remembering any passage of time.
I do love to sleep, since it's the only activity I do that doesn't cause pain. It's difficult for me to wake up, and even more difficult for me to actually get up from the bed, due to extreme pain in the knees and arms, usually around an "8" or "8.5" (out of 10). I procrastinate around doing anything physical--such as going to the store, shipping stuff at the post office, housework chores, or taking out the trash.
I have limited my Ibuprofen or Aspirin intake to twice a day, as any more than that increases discomfort. It usually takes 3-4 hours to notice any difference on Ibuprofen, and about an hour on the aspirin, but it lasts half as long.
I have tried A LOT of non-NSAID alternatives to the standard options, with nothing working with the exception of Ashwagandha. If I take a couple of grams of it with Ibuprofen or aspirin, it decreases pain by another 20% from just Ibuprofen or aspirin alone, and on its own, will remove the "sharp" part of the pain, turning it more into an ache, which is more tolerable.
I did finally lift myself out of bed to be officially "awake" around 2:30, after spending about an hour on my phone, doing email, and social media. I have an online business, so it's necessary to "stay engaged", and luckily, it doesn't require moving around a lot--until I need to do some shipping of products, which has been frustratingly rare lately.
I fixed my standard "breakfast" of eggs mixed with leftover veggies I steamed the night before, making a sort of "pancake" out of the mixture and then spreading plain yogurt on it. I'll also fix a cup of coffee, and chow down.
I've been taking the following supplements: 2-4 grams Vitamin C (with bioflavinoids); 2-4 grams of MSM; 4000 units of Vitamin D; 100 mg. Zinc; 2 grams fish oil; 1 gram Black Seed Oil; 1 gram mineral complex; and 500 mg B-complex. I also take ionic minerals, extra magnesium, silver and 8 drops of Lugol's iodine.
About 3:30 I hear a racket outside that sounded like a truck with a bad muffler, combined with some sort of compressor. I sat wondering what the hell it was, finally getting curious enough to pull myself up to go to the front door and look out.
It was a good ol' boy running a stump remover, to take out the last remnants of the 100-year old tree that was removed yesterday. It had gotten struck by lightening and a huge branch (about half the tree, actually), fell on the porch roof, crushing it down about 18 inches. The tree was rotting, so it really was a hazard, especially in Kansas weather, but I was sorry to see the old girl meet such a undignified end.
That said, the extra sun will help keep things a littler warmer this winter--but then there's gonna be more heat in the summer. Oh well, no biggie. I might just plant another tree in its place for fun.
I did the rounds on social media. I've got a routine that seems to get some responses, although I'm never sure if I'm doing myself a favor, helping the business, or getting direct sales. It, at least, keeps me engaged, and keeps me from worrying so much about whether or not I'll meet expenses for the month.
I do some posts on my Facebook profile. I've been doing cartoons I think are funny, or funny memes. I used to post spiritual nostrums, but NO ONE would "like" them, but when I post a funny cartoon, I'll get 20-30 "ha-ha's". If I post a cute animal picture, I'll get 30-40 "hearts" and "likes". If anyone has to read any more than a short paragraph, they won't. Such is the state of literacy in society these days.
I also have 3 FB pages, and 2 groups I post to, but I use Hootsuite to automatically post groups of postings I upload every month or two. I participate in
Alignable (2
Patreon, and
The Wellness Universe; and I've got four Twitter accounts I am active with daily: @pureenergyrx, @boydmartin, @broadcastmystic, and @djancient33. To do my daily input takes about 4 hours. I then spend another 3-4 hours inviting people to my profiles.
I send out mail to my opt-in "active buyers" list on Mailchimp twice a month, and then do the amazing
Quantum Health Newsletter twice a month, too.
Once a week I update the playlist schedule on Mystic Broadcast Network Radio at; and occasionally add content there.
And that's pretty much my daily "work". I spend 2-3 hours in the evening watching very selective TV on my HDTV. Currently, I'm on Season 5 of Star Trek Next Generation and plan to go to all the seasons of Deep Space Nine next. I also watch new episodes of "Bull" on my CBS All Access pass; and "The Good Fight" is pretty good; and "Strange Angel"--mostly as a social anthropologist.
My news sources on YouTube are Jordan Sather; Edge of Wonder; Sphere Being Alliance; and very occasionally RT. I like to watch Bill Maher replays and watch him squirm in delight to the bizarre antics of the current President.
OK, so it's past time for dinner. Tune in tomorrow!