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After watching it, I went to bed EARLY! Wow, didn't think I was going to do that, but I hit the sack at 12:15--a new record, at least for the last 10 years. I'm actively pursuing an "mainstream engagement schedule" with my goal being to be awake and out of bed by 7 AM. I've never had that schedule, mostly settling in around a 3 AM - 11 AM sleep cycle; and lately, even though I tried, I couldn't get to sleep before 6 AM, and then getting up at 4 PM, groggy as hell, and clutching at the day. Now that we're almost to the end of daylight savings time (the world's worst idea, BTW), I don't want to be in the situation of going to bed and getting up when it's dark.
I had a talk with my body about the sleeping schedule thing, and it showed me that there were 3 or 4 windows of entry into sleep, and one is around 11:30 PM to 1 AM; and then there's the 2;30-3:30 window; but if I miss 3:30, the next one isn't until 6 AM.
There's another one around 10 PM, and that's the one I'm shooting for. When the proposed bedtimes approach, I end up feeling like a little kid bargaining with mom to stay up later. Last night the parent won, so I'll repeat the performance tonight.
I was back to doing the 2-hour pee dance again, after getting my water intake up to 74 oz. I still can't seem to increase it past that, so today I downloaded a "time interval" timer for my phone that I set for every 30 minutes. Then I drink at least 3 oz., which, if I'm on a 14-hour day would be 28 x 3 = 84 oz. (that includes 16 oz. of coffee, and 4 oz. of water in yogurt, fruits and veggies). So far, I'm a little off target today, but I think I'll be able to get there finally.
Source Energy Medicine
What got me seriously going on the hydration thing was getting into SEM (Source Energy Medicine). It's Stephen Pollitt's energy medicine system that programs water that you then drink, and it slowly (very slowly) and gently (very gently) raises your body's vibration above 200 on the Hawkins' scale, meaning that more positive is happening than negative.
I read David R. Hawkins' book back in 2012--actually there are three that deal directly with his number scale. He posits that if a person can remain above 200, he becomes resistant to negativity in the world, and when 500 is reached, a person would completely immune and transformative of all negativity. The scale goes up to 1000, which is basically transcending death--few have consistently held that frequency, although there is a legend told by David Wilcock of a town of monks in Tibet who maintain 1000 or close their entire lives and do not die--they simply turn into light. So, that's my target there...
Anywho, SEM is a system where you "charge" your water using several "charging labels", which are printed pieces of paper with a special code on them that you tape to a clear jar for the water to read. I've been working this since mid-March, and although my symptoms are still pretty bad, my good days are more frequent and my attitude about my pain and dysfunction is much better, so I keep going. Stephen says it can take from 6-12 months to heal a person, depending on the strength of their negative subconscious. So apparently, my subconscious is a beast!
When doing SEM, you are charging about 80 oz. of water in order to get the proper dosages of all the formulas (I'm doing about 12 right now--each one is a separate bottle or jar--I've been using "Ball" jars), so if there has been severe dehydration, there's going to be a period of adjustment as the cells of the body start re-accepting water. In my case, the dehydration has been severe. I discovered how severe it was while trying to drink all that water! So, lately I've been really concentrating on it.
Pollitt does a weekly "SEM Mondays" live chat where he answers questions about SEM live and from emails. I sent him an email about my hydration challenge and he answered it during last week's episode. He said, "The subconscious will constantly attempt to undo everything you're doing with SEM--even creating excuses to not get hydrated. Until you're above 200, it's going to be your worst enemy." That hit home! So I've been really looking at that this past week.
The SEM experience has shown me how devious and tricky my own subconscious is. However, SEM comes to the rescue with formulas that transform the subconscious into being a positive, rather than negative, force in your life. Once you get it above 200, it uses all its considerable clout to start helping you, instead of sabotaging at every turn. And, I'm just now starting to feel like I'm turning the corner.
So I was actually up and fixing breakfast at noon today. After having gotten into bed at 12:45, I DJ'd till 1:30, and turned out the light. I then put in about 10.5 hours of lying down, of which I probably slept 9.5, propping the body up around 11 AM to do my waking up routine, email and social media. My waking up routine is sitting on my bed, observing my mind, which usually continues dreaming even while "awake", at least for 5-10 min. I then do some swaying and "running"--beating my feet against the floor; and then massaging under my knees, which for some reason, seems to pull me further out of the wake-up funk. I'll then do some sit ups and head rolls, and some pranayama breathing. It takes all this to get into the head space of getting up out of bed, since there's gonna be pain, and it's gonna hurt. When I have to go pee during the night, it's a matter of pure Zen, and the fact I'm partially sleep-numb that allows me to make it to the bathroom at all. Some nights it's agony, but necessary unless I want to revert to the bed-wetting I did as a small boy.
During my care-giving gig with 93-year old Hilbert, he was wrestling with his bladder constantly, to the point where he HAD to wear Depends, or it was not going to be pretty. Unfortunately, his solution to the urination thing was to drink only about 12 oz. of water a day, further exacerbating his diabetes and numerous other ills that kept him pretty much chair-bound. I think of him often, and he is an inspiration to NOT do what he did.
Today was the second part of Janet's podcast with Mmatheo,which was quite a spiritual ride. Today's topic was individuality and Ubuntu, so it was all about how we connect to the world and to each other despite the illusion of separation. Some good themes, and the recording of it was smooth and without incident.
Business-wise I'm in the midst of receiving a new bucket of the E-3 Cream, which has been a regular stressor for me, since it requires an outlay of around $600. I'm getting better at manifesting new buckets when I need them, but I always stress out about it, because E-3 is my main money maker. The thing is, I KNOW what I need to do to avoid the stress, but I just keep not doing it--that pesky subconscious again, making me lose my common sense. The time before this one, I decided I was going to take the cost out of each sale of E-3 and transfer it over to a bank account I set up specifically for that. What happened then, was my SC reminding me that I didn't really have to take the cost out of each sale, I could wait till the end of the bucket and just not spend any money once I got down to 40 bottles. Yeah, right. Well, what I ended up with was 15 bottles left and $400--for everything including bills and groceries. So that left me worrying about raking in at least another $300 just to barely squeak by. Ugh--I hate that game! Anywho, I got the sales, after I ordered the cream, and had to ask Energy Tools (the vendor) to hold off putting the payment through. So as of today, I'm good to go to pay the bill, but I was sweatin' it, and I am now going to stop sweatin' it, trust life, and be smart. Do you hear that subconscious???
So, I'll re-commit to the taking the cost out of the up-front sales of E-3, rather than waiting till the end to start hustling. And it will be a smooth, stressless, easy matter of buying the next bucket. Stay tuned to see how I do!
I enjoyed a couple of videos today you may want to watch. One was Lilou Mace's most recent interview with Joe Dispenza. He got my attention about a year ago with his take on being and manifesting, and he didn't disappoint in the Lilou interview--although her questions seemed a bit un-woke. He fielded them kindly and kept things on track despite her. I really Lilou usually, but she seemed scattered for this particular interview. Anyway, Joe is great, and it really made me want to go to one of his week-long intensives, where the whole class stays up all night with him, and he does guided meditations to create and enhance theta brainwave states. Pretty cool.
The other video to see is Jamye Price's "Energy Forecast" for November. She's the "light language" lady, which is pretty interesting to watch and hear. She had some great observations and it spoke to several aspects of what I've been going through lately.
For tonight's dinner, I had steamed Brussels sprouts and broccoli with fried chicken livers and almonds. Hey, don't knock it till you've tried it!
Now for STNG...
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